
The Newsroom is the heart of IPAA’s News and Media Center. Our mission is simple – to put a face on America’s oil and natural gas industry and tell the independent producers’ story in a straightforward manner. IPAA offers a variety of communications resources that enable independent producers to connect and stay updated on key policy issues affecting the U.S. oil and natural gas industry. We utilize social media communications, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, to deliver timely information that independent producers can use and share with their networks. We also offer valuable news, information and analysis for independent producers in traditional formats like our membership magazine, IPAA Access.

Media Kit

Our online media kit offers information to members of the news media interested in learning more about the Independent Petroleum Association of America, including its history, key priorities, and economic analysis. Our advertising media kit is available here.

Advertising Opportunities

If you are interested in advertising in our yearly membership directory and members-only magazine, IPAA Access, please review our Media Kit and contact Justin Boulka with the Wyman Company. If you would like information about sponsoring one of IPAA’s upcoming events, please contact Beth Stockner.

News Media Contacts

If you are a member of the news media and would like more information regarding IPAA or would like to schedule an interview, please call (202) 857-4722 or contact:

Jennifer Pett Marsteller
Director of Public Affairs and Communications

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