Opening Statement for House Energy and Commerce Roundtable on Energy Affordability

Opening Statement for House Energy and Commerce Roundtable on Energy Affordability

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, IPAA President and CEO Jeff Eshelman participated in a roundtable hosted by House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans, led by Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), to discuss the impacts of unaffordable energy costs.

Good morning. Thank you Chair McMorris-Rogers and members of the committee and staff. I’m Jeff Eshelman, president and CEO of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group, founded in 1929, that represents companies that explore for and produce the majority of natural gas and oil in the United States.

Before I tell you more about America’s independent natural gas and oil producers, and their importance to the nation’s energy supply, I want to thank you for holding this roundtable to discuss the affordability and reliability of energy costs for American consumers.

By scheduling this roundtable today — among one of the first actions of the 118th Congress — you are sending a clear signal that U.S. energy policy is a priority for the new House of Representatives. And I want to thank you for this. …”