IPAA Pleased to Support H.R. 1; Bill Passes House With Bipartisan Vote

IPAA Pleased to Support H.R. 1; Bill Passes House With Bipartisan Vote

Legislation provides guidance and assurance that American natural gas and oil are a top priority

WASHINGTON – The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) issued the following statement today in support of H.R. 1 – the Lower Energy Costs Act which passed in the U.S. House of Representatives with a bipartisan vote of 225-204. The association now urges the full Senate to support the legislation.

IPAA President & CEO Jeff Eshelman: “IPAA is pleased to support H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. This bill will allow more investment to be put back in the ground for new American, responsible development across the energy supply chain. This legislation – and its designation as the House’s first bill – is a clear indication of the direction and priority that is set by the new House leadership – congratulations to them for getting this much needed bill through their chamber. The provisions of this bill, including repealing the methane tax and streamlining NEPA to process permits in a timelier manner, provide guidance and assurance that American natural gas and oil are a top priority. This legislation will help lower costs for American consumers at home and add to greater American energy security in the global marketplace.

“IPAA now urges the full Senate to support this legislation. Permitting reform is needed for all energy sources and our country needs to have realistic conversations on how to accomplish it; sidelining legislation before it has the opportunity to be properly discussed isn’t how we achieve that.”

Read Eshelman’s recent Energy In Depth piece: “Permitting Reform Needed For All Energy Sources, So Why Is Biden Administration Threatening to Veto HR1?