Feb 13, 2025 IPAA, Energy Industry Groups Support Sen. Cruz Congressional Review Act (CRA) Resolution Disapproving of DOE Rule on Gas-Fired Water Heaters
Dear Senator Cruz,
We are writing to express our strong support for your proposed resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) regarding the Department of Energy’s (DOE) rule on gas-fired instantaneous water heaters.
Our respective Trade Associations represent 80% of the new oil and gas resources brought online each year. Over the past four years we have fought the prior Administration’s every move to restrict the production and consumption of fossil energy. This rule is a perfect example of the direct result of the Biden Administration’s illegal whole-of-government assault on oil and natural gas use and consumption.
It effectively mandates the use of condensing technology, which increases the upfront cost and restricts options for American families. The clear intent of this regulation is to increase the upfront cost of natural gas-fired equipment to force consumers to fuel switch and use electric water heaters. This constitutes an unlawful overreach, and Congressional intervention is urgently required to rectify this flawed rule. …