Endangered Species

Endangered Species, Letters and Comments Jun 12, 2024

IPAA joined API in submitting comments for the Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement for Greater Sage-Grouse Rangewide Planning. IPAA has a keen interest in how BLM plans to manage land with respect to the greater sage-grouse and its habitat as many of our......

Endangered Species, Letters and Comments Jun 7, 2021

IPAA members believe species conservation is important as they actively work to protect the environment and habitats where they operate and live. Many independent companies have Fish and Wildlife-approved Avian Protection Plans and have spent millions of dollars of private capital on the conservatio...

Endangered Species, Letters and Comments Jul 20, 2020

IPAA members take species conservation seriously and work actively to protect the environment and habitats where they operate and live. Many independent companies have Fish and Wildlife-approved Avian Protection Plans and have spent millions on the conservation of listed and candidate species. Many ...