IPAA Supports Onshore Permitting and Regulatory Reform Legislation

IPAA Supports Onshore Permitting and Regulatory Reform Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representing the independent producers that develop 90 percent of America’s oil and natural gas wells, Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) President and CEO Barry Russell in a letter praised the House Committee on Natural Resources for advancing smart, thoughtful solutions that would remove bureaucratic regulatory burdens to safe and responsible oil and natural gas development on public lands.

“The suite of bills scheduled to be marked up on June 20 before the full Committee will provide much-needed certainty and assurances for our member companies and those who safely operate on public lands. In recent years, it has become difficult for IPAA member companies to remain in business and continue operating on public lands as the federal regulatory process has become exceedingly cumbersome and costly,” writes Russell. “Eliminating bureaucratic and costly obstacles to safe and responsible oil and natural gas development will promote U.S. job growth, enhance American energy production, strengthen our national security, and increase revenues for federal, state, and tribal governments. These federal dollars are vital for many western economies and are used to fund state and local priorities, such as public safety, education, and infrastructure projects like roads and bridges.”

The letter comes as the Committee is scheduled to markup today several bills seeking to alleviate federal permitting concerns. Read the full text of the letter on the IPAA website.

Last year, IPAA testified at a House Natural Resources Subcommittee hearing that examined similar concepts on federal permits and the important role independent oil and natural gas producers play in safely developing federal onshore resources to grow America’s economy.

About the Independent Petroleum Association of America
The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) is a national upstream trade association representing thousands of independent oil and natural gas producers and service companies across the United States. Independent producers develop 90 percent of the nation’s oil and natural gas wells. These companies account for 54 percent of America’s oil production, 85 percent of its natural gas production, and support over 2.1 million American jobs. Learn more about IPAA by visiting www.ipaa.org and following @IPAAaccess on Twitter.

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Neal Kirby
