Letters & Comments

Letters and Comments Jan 2, 2014

Comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that the information offered in support of the proposal to list the Northern Long-Eared Bat, due to a lack of scientific peer review, sole habitat protection to mitigate the symptoms of White Nose Syndrome and the lack of records on research regarding the bat.

Letters and Comments Dec 13, 2013

More than a dozen oil and natural gas associations, including IPAA, sent a letter to U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Baucus to endorse a pro-growth tax code that promotes domestic investment, job creation and energy production. The chairman’s current proposal for tax reform raises significant concern among the associations’ member companies.

Letters and Comments Nov 13, 2013

Dear Speaker Boehner: We write to express our keen interest in the shale energy revolution that has made the United States a global energy superpower. The recent increase in production of unconventional oil and natural gas has provided a lift to the U.S. economy and Americans are seeing the benefits not only because of the jobs created but also because household incomes have seen an increase as a result of lower energy costs. In addition, increased U.S. production has revitalized a manufacturing sector that is now experiencing a renaissance and has helped lower U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to 1990s levels. This has all been made possible because of the combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Congress’s attention to these issues demonstrates the importance the energy issues play for our entire country and as such, we express our support for the consideration of hydraulic fracturing-related bills next week on the House floor.

IPAA is the industry's strongest presence in the nation's capital and these are important times. The entire oil and gas industry remains under fire from anti-development groups; but with these challenges arise unique opportunities that IPAA is seizing for our members.