May 16, 2013 U.S. Oil, Gas Producers: Department of Interior Rule Creates Problems on Federal Lands
WASHINGTON, DC – IPAA President and CEO Barry Russell released the following statement in response to the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed rule on hydraulic fracturing and well construction on federal lands.
“Unfortunately, the rule solves no existing problem, but creates additional burdens for independent producers and state regulators. If the Department of Interior believes there are gaps in state regulations of oil and natural gas, they should work with the states to implement changes rather than imposing a costly and burdensome rule on independent producers.
“Independent producers have a history of being good environmental stewards of the land. If there are environmental problems that exist, our companies work with the relevant stakeholders to resolve the issues.
“Federal land management should encourage energy development. This rule discourages the promise of America’s new energy supplies, threatening jobs and the progress we’ve made on energy security.”
IPAA plans to submit an extension request for the comment period, and we look forward to meeting with BLM to discuss this new draft.