Letter to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Support of Line 5 Segment Relocation Project

Letter to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Support of Line 5 Segment Relocation Project

To the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers:

We are writing today to support Enbridge’s Line 5 Wisconsin Segment Relocation Project, your Draft Environmental Assessment, and clearing the project to move forward expeditiously.

The undersigned organizations represent the workers and businesses of the energy infrastructure supply chain. They comprise the vast segment of the American economy that supplies construction, equipment, materials and services to energy infrastructure critical to production, transmission, processing, and consumption; and to energy reliability, affordability and security.

Line 5 is a critical and irreplaceable element of the Upper Midwest’s energy infrastructure, transporting essential fuels to heat homes, schools, farms and businesses throughout the region, and providing energy for the region’s surface and air transportation, industrial operations and agriculture. …